

Writing a business proposal

Writing a business proposal

A business proposal is a document designed to persuade a potential client or customer to buy a specific product or service. It’s a tailored argument that outlines the benefits of your approach, solution or product, specifically addressing the requirements of the recipient. It outlines your value proposition and persuades a company or organisation to do business with you. To create an effective business proposal that persuades the recipient to take action, include the following key components:

Title page and table of contents: Begin with a professional title page that includes the proposal’s title, your company’s name, the date and the recipient’s name. For easier navigation, especially in longer proposals, include a table of contents.

Executive summary: This section provides a concise overview of the proposal, summarising the key points. It should be engaging and highlight why they should read the proposal.

Problem statement or needs assessment: Clearly define the issue or need your proposal is addressing. Demonstrating a deep understanding of the client’s challenges is essential here.

Proposed solution: Elaborate on your proposed solution, detailing how it specifically tackles the client’s problem or need. This section should be clear, convincing and aligned with the client’s objectives.

Pricing and terms: Offer a transparent breakdown of the pricing structure and any terms and conditions related to your services. Clarity in this section helps avoid future misunderstandings.

Qualifications and experience: Showcase your credentials, expertise and any relevant experience or success stories. This is necessary to build trust and credibility.

Call to action & closing remarks: Conclude with a strong call to action that encourages the client to proceed or engage further. Briefly summarise the primary benefits of choosing your solution to reinforce your proposal’s value.


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