

About Trade Unions

About Trade Unions

Trade unions in Zimbabwe are organisations that represent workers in various industries, advocating for their rights, fair wages and better working conditions. They play a crucial role in negotiating with employers and the government to ensure that workers' interests are protected.

Key Trade Unions in Zimbabwe include:

  1. Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU): The largest umbrella body for trade unions in Zimbabwe, representing workers from multiple sectors. ZCTU plays a central role in labour negotiations, policy advocacy and organising strikes or protests when necessary.

  2. Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (ZIMTA): This union represents educators, focusing on improving salaries, working conditions and professional development for teachers.

  3. Zimbabwe Nurses Association (ZINA): ZINA advocates for nurses, pushing for better wages, working conditions and healthcare standards, especially in the public sector.

  4. Zimbabwe National Union of Mine Workers (ZNUMW): Representing miners, this union fights for safety standards, fair wages and better living conditions for workers in the mining industry.

Trade Unions play different roles within the different sectors, some of them include:

  • Collective Bargaining: Trade unions negotiate with employers to secure better wages, benefits and working conditions.

  • Legal Representation: They provide legal support to members in cases of unfair dismissal or workplace disputes.

  • Advocacy and Campaigns: Unions engage in lobbying and campaigns to influence labour laws and policies that affect workers' rights.

In Zimbabwe’s challenging economic environment, these unions are vital in protecting workers’ livelihoods and promoting fair labour practices. For more information about Trade Unions, you may visit the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) Head Office at:

Gorlon House
7 Jason Moyo Avenue, Harare
P.O. Box 3549, Harare
Telephone No. 793093/794704/794742



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