

Business letters

Business letters

How to Write a Business Letter
A business letter is a formal written document used for professional communication between individuals, companies or organisations. It adheres to a specific format and tone, aiming to convey information, requests, or decisions clearly and respectfully. Here are the key elements to include when writing a business letter:

1. Format and structure:

  • Header: Include your address and the date at the top of the letter. If you are writing on behalf of a company, include the company’s address as well.

  • Recipient’s address: Write the recipient’s address below your own address. Include their name, title, company name (if applicable), and full address.

  • Salutation: Use a formal greeting such as “Dear Mr. John” or “Dear Ms. Johnson.” If you don’t know the recipient’s name, use “Dear Sir/Madam.”

2. Introduction:

  • Purpose: State the purpose of your letter clearly in the first paragraph. This helps the reader understand the reason for your communication immediately.

3. Body:

  • Details: Provide detailed information or background related to the purpose of the letter. This can include facts, figures, or specific requests.

  • Clarity: Use clear and concise language. Avoid jargon or complex phrases that may confuse the reader.

4. Conclusion:

  • Summary: Summarise your main points or restate your request. This helps reinforce the purpose of the letter.

  • Action: Indicate any action you expect from the recipient or provide your contact information for follow-up.

5. Closing:

  • Sign-off: Use a formal closing phrase such as “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Yours faithfully.” Leave space for your signature above your typed name.

  • Signature: Sign your letter in the space above your typed name. If the letter is digital, a scanned signature can be used.

6. Enclosures and copies:

  • Enclosures: If you are including additional documents with your letter, mention this below the closing. For example, “Enclosure: Contract” or “Attachment: Invoice.”

  • Copies: If you are sending copies of the letter to other individuals,make sure you Cc them. For example, “Cc: Jane.”

Writing a business letter involves adhering to a formal format and clearly communicating your message. Following these guidelines, will ensure that your letter is professional and effective in achieving its purpose.


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